Which property of state is not an extensive property?

a. Temperature

b. Volume

c. Number of molecules

d. Mass

1 Answer


Updated on January 4th, 2021

Extensive properties depend on the amount of matter in a sample. In contrast, Intensive properties are properties that only depend on the type of matter in a sample and not the amount of matter. Intensive properties include temperature, density, solubility, and color of the matter. As previously mentioned, extensive properties are properties of the amount of matter in a sample, including the number of molecules. The number of molecules depends on the sample's size; and larger samples will have greater mass, and smaller samples will have a smaller mass. Samples will consume a larger volume as the size is increased. Therefore extensive properties of matter are the number of molecules, mass, and volume. 

After all this, we can rule out A) Temperature as it is an intensive property of matter.

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