Which of the following is the general solution to the differential equation and boundary condition shown below? 

$$dy/dt+10y=0; y(0)=3$$

1 Answer

James Dowd

Updated on December 27th, 2020

This equation is a first order homogenous differential equation. It takes the form of:


The general solution to a first order homogenous is:


Solving for the general solution of the equation in our problem:

dydt+10y=0 y'+10y=0 y=Ce-10t

We can solve for our constant, C, using the boundary condition we are given:

y=Ce-10t 3 = Ce-10(0) 3 = C(e0) 3 = C(1) 3 = C

Therefore, our final form of our general solution is:

y = 3e-10t

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