Consider the following $$2times2$$ matrix A:

$$A=[[5, -1], [2, K]]$$

The value of K for which A has no inverse is most nearly:

1 Answer

James Dowd

Updated on December 23rd, 2020

A matrix is said to be singular and to lack an inverse if the determinant of the matrix is equal to 0.

To calculate the determinant of a general 2x2 square matrix, we use the following formula:

M=ad-bc, where M represents the determinant of matrix M = abcd

For our problem, we want to find what value of K forces the determinant of matrix A to be equal to 0. We use the above formula in order to set up our equation:


0 = (5)(K) - (-1)(2)

0 = 5K + 2

K = -25

Therefor, the value of K for which A has no inverse is most nearly -2/5.

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