A sequential logic circuit has one input (x), one output (z), and six states labeled A-F. The circuit is described by the state table shown below. Entries in the two right-hand columns represent the next-state/output-value combination for each present-state condition and input value.

For example, if the present state is B and an input x= 1 is applied, the next state will be D and the value of z will be 0.

If the circuit is initially in State C and the input sequence x = 100 is applied (meaning the first input is 1, the second input is 0, etc.), the output sequence is best described by: 

A.   101
B.   010
C.   100
D.   111

1 Answer

James Dowd

Updated on December 30th, 2020

We must simply utilize the state table we are given to understand what our outputs are.

We begin in state C.

Our first input is x = 1. According to the state table, for the present state = C and an input of x = 1, the output will be 1 and the next state will be B. 

Our second input is x = 0. According to the state table, for the present state = B and an input of x = 0, the output will be 1 and the next state will be B. 

Our third and final input is x = 0. According to the state table, for the present state = B and an input of x = 0, the output will be 1 and the next state will be B.

Combining all three of our outputs, we get 111, which corresponds to answer D.

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