A bullet is fired from a gun with an initial horizontal velocity of 425 m/sec. It passes through a 2-kg block of wood, A, and becomes embedded in a second, 1.5-kg block of wood, B. The bullet causes Blocks A and B to begin moving to the right with velocities of 2 m/s and 3 m/s, respectively. The mass (g) of the bullet is most nearly:

1 Answer

James Dowd

Updated on January 2nd, 2021

We know from the conservation of momentum principle that in an isolated system, the total momentum before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. Our equation for momentum is equal to:

p = mv p = momentum m = mass v = velocity

Let's first focus on what happens at the very end of the situation described in the problem. When the bullet enters block B, it stops moving. Therefore:

pinitial=pfinal pbullet-initial+pblock-b-intiial=pbulet-final+pblock-b-final (m)(vafter-block-a)+(1.5kg)(0)=(m)(0)+(1.5kg)(3m/s) (m)(vafter-block-a)=4.5

Now, let's set up an equation that represents the conservation of momentum that occurs between the bullet and block A as it passes through:

pinitial=pfinal pbullet-initial+pblock-a-intiial=pbullet-final+pblock-a-final (m)(425m/s)+(2kg)(0)=(m)(vafter-block-a)+(2kg)(2m/s) 425m-4=(m)(vafter-block-a)

Since we found a numerical equivalent to (m)(vafter-block-a), we can simply plug it in to solve for the mass of the bullet:

425m-4=(m)(vafter-block-a) 425m-4=4.5 425m=8.5 m = 0.02

Therefore, the mass of our bullet is approximately .02kg, or 20g.

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